Nominating Committee for 2005 Slate


Cheryl Heath, Chairperson

Jean Fordyce

Gail Sheets

Judy Nolan, Alternate





(Note, Gail Sheets resigned from the committee and the alternate, Judy Nolan, took her place.)


A report from this committee was presented at the meeting.  Additional nominations may be made at the November meeting and voting will be conducted at the annual meeting in January.  For any additional clarification, please see the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Constitution, Article IV.


Slate as it will be presented to the membership from the nominating committee.


President - - Lana Jorgensen

Vice President - - Nancy Oelhlof

Secretary - - Pam Hudson

Treasurer - - Bob Saffell



Jean Fordyce

Robin Stewart

Barbara Fisher (Her term is not up this year, she remains on the board.)