OVPWCC – General Membership Meeting 09/03/2011



Meeting called to order 11:25 by President Gerald Kyle


No corrections or additions. To minutes from previous meeting. Motion to accept Mary Greenwood ; Pat Geisting second, minutes approved.


President’s Report:

·         2014 bid on Nation specialty to be presented at National- Bruce Coyne and Gerald Kyle show chairs if accepted.

Vice-Presidents Report:

·         Trophies made by Linda Ozelis for 2012 specialty are completed

·         Still waiting for contract from O’nofrio for 2012 specialty.


Secretary’s Report:

·         Submitted ad for next specialty for National newsletter

·         Logo for next year’s specialty submitted to club

Treasurer’s Report:

·         Income of $2840.05.

·         Total cash $13,349.55

·         General fund  $5,622.37

·         Rescue Fund  $9,094.21


Reports of Committees:


Match Report Carra Cole – Need pictures for winter Talebearers


PWCCA Rep – Neena Van Camp Next meeting will be Tuesdays during the National. Need photos for the Talebearers for the winter issue.


Rescue – Neena Van Camp – Rescue is very busy. 2 males and 5 females in rescue care. Need foster homes. Asking members to foster one dog per year.


Legislation – Neena Van Camp – Provided article “Fighting Local Anti-Dog Laws”


Trophies – Carra Cole – Asking for additional sponsors for trophies passed a sign-up sheet for slots still available for


Old Business


·         None


New Business


·         Pending acceptance a nominating committee was named Chair Marilyn Roth Bassinger, Fred Wynn and Mary Parke, alternate Karen Strasser. Next meeting will present slate.


·         Board approved motion to send $250.00 to National club for the 2012 Specialty for hospitality. Motion to approve Cheryl Heath, second Kathy Shannon. Motion carried 10 – 5 - 1 abstention. Bob Saffell will issue check.


·         Ballots for 2013 and 2014 were completed and choices made. Final ballots for 2014 will be sent to members for selection.


Meeting Adjourned: 12:10