Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

Board Meeting

March 12, 2004

Holiday Inn - - Louisville, KY



The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club’s Board Meeting was held on March 12, 2004, at the Holiday Inn, Louisville, KY.  The meeting was called to order by the Vice President, Nancy Oehlhof, at 1:15 P.M.  Those present were:  Nancy Oehlhof, Bob Saffell, Emma Weyrick, and Cheryl Heath.


A motion was made by Bob Saffell, seconded by Emma Weyrick, to approve the Secretary minutes from the last meeting.  Motion approved by the Board.


Bob Saffell gave the Treasurer’s Report stating that the latest income was $1,827.90 and expenses $1,375.74 and Club’s total is $8,059.25 and the Rescue has $7,437.06, with a total balance of $15,496.31 combined. 


A motion was made by Emma Weyrick, seconded Cheryl Heath, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion approved by the Board.


A list of the committees:


Activities - - Pam Hudson

Awards - - Lisa McKay

Breeder Referral - - Kathy Shannon

Rescue - - TBA (Neena Van Camp with Kathy Shannon assisting until position filled)

Historian/Librarian - - Robin Stewart

Judges Selection - - Lea Jacobs

Legislative - - Neena Van Camp

Membership - - Judy Nolan

Ovation - - Nancy Oehlhof

PWCCA Reps - - Nancy and Mike Oehlhof

Sunshine - - Joann Ruehl

Trophies - - Marilyn Midkiff

Ways and Means - - Barbara Fisher

Webpage - - Nancy Oehlhof

2004 Puppy Match - - Adrienne Saffell

2005 Specialty - - Joann Ruehl



Unfinished Business:





New Business:


Motion made by Bob Saffell and Seconded by Cheryl Heath.  Bob moved that Nancy puchase a PDF program for the Web Site.  Cost approx. $100.00.  Discussion followed and motion passed.


The yearly calendar was discussed and the following dates were submitted for the meeting dates for the club.


May 8th - - Puppy Match

July 11th - - Joann Ruehl’s Picnic

August 28th - - Lexington Show

November 20th - - Columbus Show

January 13th - - Cincinnati Meeting


Motion was made by Bob Saffett to adjourn at 2.15 P.M. Noon.


Submitted by Cheryl Heath

