Board Meeting

Louisville, Kentucky

21:30 March 12, 2008

Members present: Mike Oehlhof, Bob Saffell, Lea Jacobs, Robin Stewart, Teresa Fishback, Marilyn Midkiff

Report of the President: On 3/2/2008 Excutive Committee Meeting. Members present: Mike Oehlhof, Bob Saffell, Robin Stewart, Kristie Sarafolean. Guests: Nancy Oehlhof, Adrienne Saffell.  Report attached.

Report of the Treasurer: Bob Saffell, full text can be read on the website. Membership dues still being collected. The treasury on March 12, 2008 contained $21,155.64 with $11,360.18 in the rescue balance. Bob reported that the 50-50  raffell has brought in $825 to date.


Committee reports will be found in the General Meeting Minutes.


Officer elections:

Treasurer: Sally Wynn

Board of Directors: Ed Heath

Secretary: Lea Jacobs


New Committee chairs were set; the chairs will select their committees:

2009 Show Chair:   Marilyn Midkff

Membership: Kathy Garcia

Activities:  Carra Cole: Conformation. 

                   Sue Klar: Performance

Awards: Pam Hudson

Breeder Referral: Judy Nolan

Education: Carra Cole

Judges Selection: Gerald Kyle

Legislation: Neena Van Camp

Librarian: Robin Stewart

OVation: Nancy Oehlhof

PWCCA Representative: Lana Law

Rescue: Neena Van Camp and Kathy Shannon

Trophies: Carra Cole

Ways and Means: Judy Nolan

Website: Nancy Oehlhof


Club Dues: Discussion followed regarding general increasing costs of operations. Action: Board will recommend to membership $5.00 dues increase for each individual and couples rates.

July Meeting dates: Discussion followed. Bring to general membership. November cluster of shows is in conflict with the National and will need to consider alternative meeting date also.

Donation distribution for Lucy Clem: Recommend to membership to donate $700.00 to Vaderburgh Humane Society.

Rescue: Discussion followed. Ask rescue committee to define territory of operation and milage reimbursement parameters.


Board Meeting

Louisville, Kentucky

22:30 March 13, 2008



Members present: Mike Oehlhof, Sally Wynn, Lea Jacobs, Robin Stewart, Ed Heath, Marilyn Midkiff


Appointing Board of Director replacement for Lucy Clem: Gerald Kyle was appointed.

Meeting adjourned 22:34.


Respectfully submitted: 

Lea Jacobs
