OVPWCC General Meeting

December 1, 2012


Call to Order 1:16 pm

Attendance Sheet

Welcome/Introduction of Guests - No Guests


Minutes of last meeting (September 2012) – Motion to approve minutes of last meeting made by Neena Van Camp, second by Bob Saffel. The motion passed.


Report of the President:

 Drawbrige Inn closing at 11:00 tomorrow, 2014 National while submitted by OVPWCC is a function of PWCCA and Bruce and Gerald along with Judy Hart are looking at additional properties for that show. As soon as more info is available it will be forwared to the members. Cherl Heath has concerns about the amount of space for dog walking that is available at one of the proposed venues which would not be suitable for the PWCCA show.


For our specialty the PWCCA spring meeting will be held durning our show in Louisville. This will increase entried for the show and all memebers need to be prepared to step in and offer assistance


Report of the Recording Secretary— Holiday Inn N in Clarksville, IN has submitted an unsolicited bid for the 2014 show. A visit to the property will be scheduled to access it’s viability and location to the cluster.


No additional names were submitted for BOD or Officer Positions and the slate as presented stands. 

Membership renewal and dues notice will go out in Jan.

No additional names were submitted for BOD or Officer Positions and the slate as presented stands.


Report of the Vice President increased room nights at hotel to include Tuesday night for the PWCCA borad which will be coming in early for the board meeting on Wednesday.


Report of the Treasurer - See attached.


Reports of committees:

2013 Specialty—

Lana Lee Jorgenson will be ring steward for both sweeps and breed Bill Law to assist.


Marilyn Roth Bassinger has banquet in hand and is working with the hotel to bring us a wonderful meal.


Cheryl Heath has volunteered to take on ring decorations THANK YOU CHERYL!


Nancy Oehlhof and Mary Samuel will do judges hospitality bags.


Pat Seifet is sweeps judge; Mary Parke will donate miles for her flight. 

Joan Hutton’s plane ticket appears to be stuck at 1800 and not going lower. 

The AKC has officially approved the Specialty and judges list after receiving the necessary letter of approval from Mid Kentucky Kennel Club to have our show within 20 miles of theirs on the same day.

There are 419 Names on mailing list, including all PWCCA members. 

Ring-gates need to be borrowed since Moss Bow will not provide nor rent or lease them. We need ring gates for a 50 x 50 set up and apx 20 gates. Alternatives for obtaining ring gates were discussed, Gerald Kyle will make calls RE: borrowing from a local Louisville Club.


Cheryl Heath reported Lakeshore had 2 bathing areas set up with shampoo and towels. There was plastic on the floor with hot and cold running water. There was also bottled water. Ed and Cheryl Heath will set up water in grooming rooms.

Gerald Kyle will investigate if hotel will allow us to have a room for bathing.


Membership—Applications reviewed and 1st /2nd reading/vote: There are no pending applications.  


Breeder Referral—if you have puppies call Judy Nolan there are people activily looking for puppies.


Rescue—Several corgis in rescue and in need of homes. if you or anyone you know is looking for a new pet please see Neena Van Camp for additional details.


Talebearers—Neena Van Camp has an extra copy of the PWCCA newsletter if anyone is interested, please contact Neena for details.  If anyone has anything for tailbearers please send to Neena. Neena would like to have OVPWCC be spotlight grp for fall of 2013. Gerald Kyle suggested showing our corgis at work as many of our members use their corgis as service dogs, would be a great way to spotlight our club and what our members do in service to their communities.


Unfinished Business:


Ad hoc committee—Specialty trophies comparison—Cheryl Heath compared Linda Ozelis trophy cost of 1400.00. Goal to keep everything more consistent throughout classes and to keep consistent in the type of trophy we are offering year to year starting with the 2014 show. Hadley pottery plates for best in all classes and 1st in every class. Cheryl has also talked with Ousiha and her pricing comes to 1277.00.


Please see the attached spread sheets prepared by Cheryl Heath which show the costs for each of the trophies from the various venders being reviewed. There are also to photos attached as exemplars of the beautiful items Cheryl has found and brought to the meeting.


For more information on Ouisha’s designs please see her website at http://www.ouisha.com/ or for Hadley Pottery http://hadleypottery.com/. There will be continued discussion regarding the trophies at the next meeting.


New Business: Wendy McAdamsis a casting director and she has been hired by Eukanuba for a Corgi Adult red and white which will be featured for national campaign. Payment if they use your dog is $500.00 $1000.00 if you have multiple dogs that are chosen.



Adjournment 2:36 Gerald 2nd Neena Van Camp.


Members in attendance: Gerald Kyle, Bruce Coyne, Adrianne Saffel, Bob Saffel, Mary Parke, Mikki Anderson, Pat Giesting, JoAnn Giesting, Lana Lee Jorgenson, Bill Law, Cheryl Heath, Ed Heath, Mary Ann Wehmuller, Neena Van Camp, Karen Strasser, Marilyn Roth Basinger.