Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club
Welcome: Mike Oehlhof
Introduction of Guests: Mike
Report of the President: Mike
Oehlhof: Thanked everyone for their assistance in pulling off a successful
PWCCA Specialty and cruise.
Report of the Secretary: Lea
Puppy match flyer
AKC State filing form
AKC Election Result form
Report of the Treasurer: Sally
Treasurers report: As submitted.
Overall expenses reported as a calendar year overview.
Report of Committees:
1. Activities- Conformation: Carra Cole:
no report
2. Activities- Performance: Sue Klar: no
3. Awards- Cheryl Heath: Submit forms.
Available of the web site.
4. Breeder Refferal: Judy Nolan: Has
requests for puppies/adults. Please let her know if you have available
5. Education: Carra Cole: Please submit
6. Judges Selection: Gerald Kyle: Ballots
will be out soon for 2012 selections
7. Legislative: Neena Van Camp. Will
ongoingly update members.
8. Librarian/Historian: Robin Stewart. No
9. Membership: Kathy Garcia. No current
10. OVation: Nancy Oehlhof/Lana Law.
Current issue dispensed. Winter issue forthcoming. Performance issue will be
available at Specialty. Ads please!
11. PWCCA rep: Lana Law: Currently working
on the jump height issues
12. Rescue: Neena Van Camp/Kathy Shannon
Karen Strauser (sp) nonmember serving as match maker.
13. Trophies: Carra Cole: Pewter plate
stock diminished. Discussion followed. Bring recomendations to March meeting
regarding reordering or new ideas.
14. Ways and Means: Adrienne Saffel:
Shirts are coming!
15. Web Page: Nancy Oehlhof: Check for
information periodically. Maps, times, locations all located on web site. Also,
plese check your information and send corrections!
16. Specialty: Lana Law:
Board Approved
raffels/silent auctions for March 2010 Specialty and 3 subsequent Supported
Specialty: 50/50
Raffel, Silent Auction table, Rescue designated silent auction items not to
exceed 5 items. Supported entries to follow specialty Rescue designated 50/50
Please let Cheryl know what you
may be donating for silent auction.
Welcome bags: Please let Sally
know what you will be donating. Need ~60 pieces.
Trophies: still have classes that
need to be covered please take at list or contact Lana if you would like to
sponsor a trophy.
17. Puppy Match: Lana Law: Will have the
regular classes, fun classes and rescue information/parade.
18. Talebearers: Lana Law: current.
Adhoc Commitees:
Unfinished Business and General
1. Membership application: Board has
recommendations for the membership committee.
Committee restructuring/chairs: To be discuss at Board meeting March 3/19/10
New Business:
1.Meeting times: March
Board meeting to
follow hospitality 3/17/10
General meeting to
follow BOB judging 3/18/10. Time/location to be posted ringside.
Additional Board
meeting to occur Friday 3/19/10 Time/location to be determined.
2. PWCCA Pubcor information about
Newsletter subscriptions and handbooks.
Presentation: Nutrition and
Chiropratric manipulation: Bruce Jackson WAS FANTASTIC!!!!!
addresses/phone#'s/email addresses
Neena Van Camp NeenaPembroke@fuse.net