Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

Regular Meeting

July 11, 2004

Joann Ruehl’s House



The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club’s regular meeting was held on July 11, 2004 at Joann Ruehl’s home in Aurora Indiana.  The meeting was called to order by the Secretary, Cheryl Heath at 1:30 P.M. (Note: President, Lana Jorgensen and Vice President, Nancy Oehlhof was not at the meeting.) 


Those attending the meeting, (Members and Guests):





Lucy Clem



Bruce Coyne



Barbara Fisher



Cheryl Heath



Pam Hudson



Lea Jacobs



Marie Joseph



Gerald Kyle



Marilyn Midkiff



Pat Miller



JoAnn Ruehl



Kristie Sarafdean



Adrienne Saffell



Bob Saffell



Kathy Shannon



Robin Stewart



Emma Weyrick






Recording and Corresponding Secretary Report


The minutes were read from the Board meeting held on June 26, 2004 in Cincinnati and the regular meeting minutes were read from the meeting held on May 8, 2004 at Joyce Park.


A motion was made by Bob Saffell, seconded by Emma Weyrick, to approve the minutes from the Board meeting and the regular meeting.    Motion approved.




Treasurers Report


Bob Saffell gave the Treasurer’s Report stating that the latest income was $2,110.71 and expenses $1,734.22 and Club’s total is $10,274.34 and the Rescue has $7,213.16, with a total balance of $17,487.50 combined.


A motion was made by Lea Jacobs, seconded Kathy Shannon, to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion approved.


A list of the committee reports:


Activities - - Pam Hudson

For the meeting to be held at the Horse Park in late August, Bob Saffell will be cooking hot dogs and every one will be asked to bring a potluck dish for lunch.  Adrienne will look into asking Lee Baker, a vet in her area, to give a short talk to the group.


Awards - - Lisa McKay

No report.


Breeder Referral - - Kathy Shannon

If you have a litter of puppies, please let Kathy know.


Rescue - - TBA (Neena Van Camp with Kathy Shannon assisting until position filled)

Kathy reported that we currently have three dogs in rescue.  Five have recently been placed in home.  A special thank you to Lisa McKay and to Cynthia Friedhoff’s sister for their donation to rescue.  It was noted that anyone can use the cart that was donated to rescue if they pay for the shipping of the cart.



Historian/Librarian - - Robin Stewart

No report.


Judges Selection - - Lea Jacobs

The committee is currently working with the Kentuckiana cluster to ensure judges are selected for the March shows that are on our list of approved judges.  They will be sending a condensed list, based on the ability to draw, to the cluster committee to make their selection from.  The committee is also working to make sure that we do not have duplicate judges in November at our supported entry and at the March cluster.


A motion was made by Bob Saffell and seconded by Lea Jacobs that the policy passed at the general meeting on 11/16/01 concerning judges selection committee to choose judges based on ability to draw an entry be extended to the selection of judges recommended to the supported entries for the specialty weekend.  Motion passed.




Legislative - - Neena Van Camp

Kathy Shannon reporting for Neena.  The legislature is on summer break.  No report.


Membership - - Judy Nolan

Pam Hudson reporting for Judy.  Second reading for Connie Reinhart.  First reading for Sally and Fred Wynn.  One membership application is on hold until it can be determined if everything is in order for the application to be submitted to the membership.


Ovation - - Nancy Oehlhof

No report.


PWCCA Reps - - Nancy and Mike Oehlhof

The 2006 meeting of the National Board of Directors and regular PWCCA meeting will be held in March along with our show.


Sunshine - - Joann Ruehl

No report.


Trophies - - Marilyn Midkiff

Supported entry information has been turned in to the show chair and Superintendent for the Lexington KC supported show in August.  Supported entry information has been turned in to the show chairs for the 3 shows that we support in Columbus, Ohio.  Marilyn thanked all members that contacted her wishing to donate items for our supported entries.  Most all classed and awards were filled.  It is noted that Cheryl, Adrienne and JoAnn shopped for some pottery that we can consider and Nancy has volunteered to do a logo to put on pottery if the price is reasonable.  This is pending until decided by the membership.


Ways and Means - - Barbara Fisher

Barbara is working on many new ideas for Ways and Means.  She was selling the “South Beach Corgi Bracelet” and will reorder the Cosmos Corgi T-shirt for our web-site.


Webpage - - Nancy Oehlhof

No report.


New Business:

Nominating Committee


A nominating committee for officers and board members was selected at the last Board meeting.  This committee is as follows:


Cheryl Heath, Chairperson

Jean Fordyce

Gail Sheets

Judy Nolan, Alternate


A report from this committee will be presented at the meeting in August.  Additional nominations may be made at the November meeting and voting will be conducted at the annual meeting in January.  For any additional clarification, please see the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Constitution, Article IV.


A letter was received from PWCCA Co-chair, Stephanie Hedgepath asking for our club help in sponsor ringside hospitality at this year’s national in Mississippi.


A motion was made by Kathy Shannon and seconded by Robin Stewart to donated $300.00 to this cause.  Motion passed.



The Board of Directors is proposing that an amendment to the Constitution and by-laws be made concerning the number of meetings of the Club be reduced from six meeting per year to four meeting per year.  This would apply to the Board meeting as well as the regular club membership meeting.  Since this will be a change to the Constitution, Article II, we will be following the guidelines covered in Article VII of the Constitution.  Please read over this for your information.  Further discussion will be held at the August meeting.    



Unfinished Business:


2005 Specialty - - Joann Ruehl


AKC has sent acknowledgement of receipt of our specialty application, however they can't approve it until Evansville KC sends in theirs. Specialty logo has been submitted to membership and all approve. Flyers are available to members who are going to shows for handing out. An ad has also been sent to the PWCCA newsletter for the Fall issue of the NL and one will be sent in  December for Winter NL which usually gets to members in January: Thus, reminding people of our March show.


Would like permission to place an ad in National's catalog in November. (It was decided that this did not need to be a motion and Joann was told to go ahead with the ad.)


Joann’s committee people are carrying the ball for their particular area of the specialty. Both Carra Cole and Robin Stewart are accepting silent auction items from now until the specialty.


Barbara Fisher has decided to do a wine and cheese/fruit/crackers  pm hospitality. She would like cash donations for this purpose rather than assorted snack items. No amount is too small.


New Trophies


Those attending the meeting were given the opportunity to look at the two types of pottery selected as options for an on-going and special type trophy for our annual specialty.  It is hoped that we can establish a tradition that will become a year to year collectable for all those attending our specialty.


While it was clear that both of the pottery selected for trophies could be wonderful and that we are very lucky to have this pottery to select from, as the conservation and discussion continued, the Bybee pottery became a favorite of the membership attending today’s meeting.  The general consensus was that because over the course of several years different selections could be made but the type and compatibility of the pottery would be more suitable for our needs.


Because this is a very important decision, it was decided to delay the selection of our trophy pottery until the meeting in August to give more of our members time to view the pottery and think about what would be best for our club.  You are encouraged to view a picture of the pottery on our web page to assist you in making this decision.    




Bob Saffell pointed out that the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club Abstract of Minutes and Index has been given to all officers and board members.  For anyone in the membership wishing to look at a copy of this, please ask one of the officers or board members to see their copy or ask to see a copy at any meeting.  It is too labor intensive and expensive to have these for all members as updates occur after each meeting.


Motion was made by Pam Hudson to adjourn at 2:20 P.M. seconded by Adrienne Saffell.  Meeting adjourned.


Submitted by Cheryl Heath

