Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

                        July 15, 2006

                         Aurora, Indiana


            The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club general

            meeting was called to order by the President, Lanalee

Jorgensen at 11:10am.





Those present:





Robin Stewart



Bob Saffell



Adrienne Saffell



Jean Fordyce



Chester Fordyce



Bill Law




Lana Jorgensen



Kim Smith



JoAnn Ruehl



Kathy Shannon



Barbara Fisher



Emma Weyrick



Kathy Garcia



Pat Miller



Judy Trenn





Guests were introduced and welcomed.  (Judy Trenn, Kim Smith, Kathy Garcia)


Report of the President- Lanalee Jorgensen

 included in board minutes


Minutes were approved as presented on website:  Kathy Shannon moved, Adrienne Saffell seconded


Report of Recording/Corresponding Secretary – Pam Hudson

included in board minutes


Treasurer Report – Bob Saffell

included in board minutes




Committee Reports: 


Activities/Education:  Chair: none

Awards:  note that awards were mailed (not received however)

Breeder Referral:  included in board minutes


Judges Selection:  none         


Legislative:  Chair:  none


Librarian/Historian:  none


Membership:  2nd reading of Bill Law’s application.  Sponsors are Bob Saffell and Lea Jacobs.  The membership will vote on Bill’s application for membership at the next meeting in August in Lexington, Ky.


OVation:  none


PWCCA Rep:  Chair:  none


Rescue:  included in board minutes


Trophies:  none


Ways and Means:  none


Web page:  none


2007 Specialty:  Adrienne reported the following:

Rooms $89/night plus pet fee

Probably will not be as big an entry because the PWCCA Board will not be meeting at the show site

Working on an Irish theme.  Let Adrienne or Teresa know if you have one.

Volunteers for Grounds:  Bill and Lana


Set-up grooming, need a chairperson.  Bill, Lana and Kathy will help.  Plastic has to be put down on floors Wednesday night before specialty


Ad Hoc Committee:  By-Laws

Board met with Adrienne to review the suggested By-law revisions.  Now needs to present the revisions to the membership.  It was decided the By-laws, with the revisions in red, would be sent out electronically.  Members would e-mail back to Lana that they had received their electronic copy to review.  Tentative schedule is to send By-laws with revisions to membership for review before the August/Sept. meeting in Lexington.  Discuss revisions at the Aug./Sept. meeting and the November meeting in Columbus.  Vote on revisions at the January 2007 meeting.  Lana was going to check the By-laws to see if the vote had to be done at the annual meeting in January and also if there was a set time frame between receiving the By-law revisions and when the vote had to take place.


Unfinished Business: 

1. Tracking seminar as in board minutes.  Membership thought it was a good idea but wanted more detail, time of year to be held, did the location it was held at have to have access to outside grounds or could it be done indoors.  Lana was going to turn it back over to Becky to get more details.

2. Wild Weaver Agility Trial, as written up in board minutes was presented to the membership.  Bob Saffell moved to hold an agility match to get AKC approval to hold an agility trial.  No 2nd.  Motion died.  Chester Fordyce moved that OVPWCCC hold an agility match and enter into contract with Wild Weavers to hold an agility trial upon approval of AKC.  Pat Miller seconded.  The vote was unanimous. Motion passed. Lana will have Sue Klar follow up with Wild Weavers on a contract.


New Business:

1. Nominating Committee:

Chair:  Adrienne Saffell, Kathy Shannon and Marilynn Midkiff (upon acceptance)


2.  Lana presented the proposal about the 2009 PWCCA National Specialty being held at Ft. Mitchell, Ky. at the Drawbridge Inn.  Dates and need for workers discussed along with location details.  Bob Saffell moved that Lana put a proposal together to present to the PWCCA about holding the 2009 PWCCA National Specialty in Ft. Mitchell, Ky. at the Drawbridge Inn.  Adrienne Saffell seconded.  The motion passed (unanimously)


Brags:  $14


Meeting adjourned at 2:20 Bob Saffell moved and Kathy Shannon seconded.