Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2009

Welcome: Mike Oehlhof

Introduction of Guests: Mike Oehlhof

Mike Zoeller

Denise Malone

Paulette Wright

Report of the President: Mike Oehlhof

We received a donation for $200.00.

Report of the Secretary: Lea Jacobs

Pat Hastings Seminar

Speaking for Spot book

St Clairsville B-OB Match 5-2-09

Dayton KC B-OB Match 4-5-09

Yahoo groups for the Board being set up.

Report of the Treasurer: Sally Wynn

Treasurer report: As submitted.

This will confirm that we have bound Directors and Officers Liability Insurance for the Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club. Policy Effective Date: 02/18/09 

Reimbursements: Motion Sally Wynn: Board directs Treasurer to reimburse members for club expenses ONLY if the member provides an original receipt for a PAID bill. Second Lea Jacobs.


Club sponsored Raffles/Auctions: All fund raising activity (Raffles/Auctions) will be required to obtain preapproval. Requests for fund raising activities must be submitted in writing (email is accepted) to any board member. Requests must be received to be discussed at the held prior to the event date.

Report of Committees:

      1. Activities- Conformation: Carra Cole no report

      2. Activities- Performance: Sue Klar no report

      3. Awards- Cheryl Heath no report

      4. Breeder Refferal: Judy Nolan  Please let Judy know if you have or are expecting puppies.        

      5. Education: Carra Cole no report

      6. Judges Selection: Gerald Kyle Ballots mailed. Due 4/15/09. Lexington: Lana Law. Fall shows pending. 2010 L'ville supported entries pending. Specialty Terry Hansen-Mitchel Sweeps: Pat Sandy-Smith

      7. Legislative: Neena Van Camp Related materials are sent out via emails as it occurs so not delayed until the next OV meeting.

      8. Librarian/Historian: Robin Stewart no report

      9. Membership: Kathy Garcia

Second reading Brenda Stiles

First reading Dede Rogers and Mary Greenwood. Discussion followed whether application was submitted within required timeframe. Will be researched by the Board.

Need to update application: Members who agreed to assist Kathy are Sue Klar and Nancy Oehlhof. Will present at June meeting.

     10. OVation: Nancy Oehlhof/Lana Law New issue is out. Submit brags and articles to Lana or Nancy. 

     11. PWCCA rep: Lana Law

     12. Rescue: Neena Van Camp/Kathy Shannon: Kathy and I have re worked the division of labor. Neena-incoming dogs. Kathy applicant match maker. Foster homes are in charge of: obtaining vet care(it is billed direct to Neenas credit cards),training/socializing, interview of applicants. Rescue mission statement will be presented to the board at the June meeting. Rescue application being reworked w/ pro bono attorney help. This will address liability issues. SHould be ready after March meeting. Several rescues to come in. Need foster homes.

     13. Trophies: Carra Cole

     14. Ways and Means: ****NEED Replacement for Judy*****new items are ready to go and many thanks to Carra Cole for all her help!

      15. Web Page: Nancy Oehlhof

     16. Specialty: Marilyn Midkiff: Well done

     17. Puppy Match: Lana Law: Has potential judges lined up.  Will need assistance because she will be judging on the day.

     18. Talebearers: Lana Law


Adhoc Commitees:

       Update Membership application: Sue Klar, Nancy Oehlhof to work with Kathy Garcia for June meeting.

       AKC Club Requirements: Please submit all activities for inclusion!!!

Unfinished Business and General Orders:

      1. Meeting dates:

               June meeting 6/13/09 Hamilton, OH. Home of Lana and Bill Law

               Sept meeting (puppy match) 8/30/2009 Lexington, KY Horse Park Camp Grounds

               Nov meeting 11/21/09 Columbus Time and location TBA


New Business:


BRAGS: Please submit to OVation for inclusion

New/Updated addresses/phone#'s/email addresses

New list included in this mailing