Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club

                        May 28, 2005

               Joyce Park, Fairfield, Ohio


            The Ohio Valley Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club general

            Meeting was called to order by the President, Lana

Jorgensen at 3:00pm.





Those present:







Pam Hudson





Bob Saffell





Adrienne Saffell





Gerald Kyle





Mary Day






Bruce Coyne





Jean Fordyce





Chester Fordyce





Bill Law






Lucy Clem





Lisa McKay





Robin Stewart





Lana Jorgensen





Pat Miller






Judith Nolan





JoAnn Ruehl





Vicki Sandage





Emma Weyrick





Kathy Shannon





Barbara Fisher







Report of the President – Lana Jorgensen

Lana reported that all of the paperwork is in for our independent specialty, Thursday, March 16, 2006.

Report of Recording/Corresponding Secretary – Pam Hudson

Correspondence Received:

·        List of members and their requests for how they would like to receive their minutes, from Bob Saffell.

·        Thank you note from Mike and Nancy Oehlhof for the trophies they won at the 2005 Ohio Valley Specialty.

·        Copy of letter from the Kentuckiana cluster stating that since Ohio Valley supplied our own Breed trophies, the club is entitled to $1 a dog for each day other than the day of the Specialty.  In addition, for holding a specialty, the OV club is entitled to $2 a dog for that day.  Checks were sent to Lea Jacobs.  Received from Lea Jacobs.

·        Letter from Leslie Earl, Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers, Coordinator     per plate.  The plates have to be requested at least two months in advance of our specialty and a check has to accompany the request.

·        Form received from the AKC regarding our 2006 Specialty, forwarded to JoAnn Ruehl.

·        Match Flyer from the Lexington Kennel Club.

·        Information for pins as a fundraiser for Ways and Means, forwarded to Barbara Fisher. 

·        Letter from the 2005 PWCCA show chair, Cheryl Heath, requesting a $300 donation for the national specialty.  Some areas that will benefit are:

    1. Welcome Hospitality
    2. Morning ringside hospitality
    3. Afternoon ringside hospitality
    4. Bar-b-que entertainment
    5. Judges hospitality
    6. Decorations
    7. Welcome bags

Cheryl would like a check by June 1st if we decide to make this donation.  I               notified Cheryl that we would make a decision on May 28th.

1.      A motion was made in the board meeting by Bob Saffell, seconded by Barbara Fisher, that we contribute $300 to the national specialty but that we also send a letter advising that this is a 2 way street and that the PWCCA reps be better informed about upcoming matters to be discussed at the Board meetings as has been in the past.


Correspondence Sent:

  • Minutes from last meeting, membership list, match entry forms, meeting information


Minutes were accepted as mailed/posted.

Treasurer Report – Bob Saffell

The treasury Balance as of May 13 is $19,402.26. A full report will be on the website. 

Bob reported that the 2005 Specialty made a small profit.


The treasurer’s report was accepted as read.


Committee Reports: 

Activities/Education:  Chair: Carra Cole, members Gerald Kyle, Bruce Coyne

            No report given

Awards:  Chair:  Lisa McKay

            Four awards were given out

Breeder Referral:  Chair:  Kathy Shannon

            Let Kathy know if you have or are expecting puppies

Judges Selection:  Chair:  Lea Jacobs, members Adrienne Saffell, Connie Rinehart, and Specialty Show Chair

            Lexington judge 9/3/05 is Diane Sprung

Columbus Fall Cluster 11/05:

                        Thursday 11/17            Ron Hilliard

                        Friday 11/18                Better Jean Hilliard

                        Saturday 11/19 pending

                        Sunday 11/20               Neena Van Camp


            Louisville Cluster 2006

                        Thursday 3/16              Sweeps:  Bill Shelton

Regular classes:  Alan Mathews

                        Friday 3/17                  Joan Gibson Reid, *pending confirmation

                        Saturday 3/18               Houston Clark

                        Sunday 3/19                 Larry Adams


The committee will start reviewing names for both sweeps and specialty class judges and would welcome suggestions.

2007 Specialty Judges:             Sweeps:  Sue Neave

                                                            Regular classes:  Rut Parker

The committee asks to be informed as soon as possible about the 2007 Specialty, will it be independent?  They need to be kept informed so that they can work with the Kennel Clubs hiring judges for the changed days.

Legislative:  Chair:  Neena VanCamp

Neena has not heard of any activity in the Kentucky or Indiana legislature.

In Ohio SB 189 (making vicious dogs behavior specific rather than breed specific) has been introduced and second hearing on it with “open” testimony will be Wednesday, May 18.  Neena will be there and she will update folks how it is progressing.

Librarian/Historian:  Chair: Robin Stewart

No report given

Membership:  Chair: Judy Nolan, members Becky Dean, Neena VanCamp

Members voted for Gerald Kyle, Bruce Coyne, Kristie Sarafolean, and Lucy Clem for membership.  The 2nd reading for Karen Neligh was held.  Welcome to Gerald, Bruce, Kristie and Lucy!

OVation:  Chairs:  Nancy Oehlhof, Mike Oehlhof

Nancy reported that if we want to continue with color covers the members really need to support the OVation with ads.  The last issue was VERY slim in that area so it cost the club a bit more money.  The next issue is looking up mainly due to outside ads for Specialty wins.  Nancy is looking into posting to the PWCCA group list soliciting ads for the next issue since we have opened our advertising up to all PWCCA members.  Nancy isn’t sure that is appropriate business for that list though.  She is asking again for anyone willing to help with columns or just a single article.  This is the Specialty issue and articles pertaining to judging, showing, grooming, conditioning and handling would be very welcome.  A big thank you to those already doing articles.

PWCCA Rep:  Chair:  Sally Wynn


PWCCA bid packet for a national specialty.  Does OV want to put in a bid?  Bob and Adrienne Saffell are looking into the Kentucky Horse Park and Lanalee is looking into the Drawbridge Inn.

Rescue:  Chairs:  Neena VanCamp and Kathy Shannon, members Sandy Combs, Jean and Chester Fordyce, Lisa McKay, Carol Stein, Robin Stewart

Neena reports that we can tell by the emails she has sent, that she is asking for help from club members as we are being flooded with requests to foster dogs.  HELP is desperately needed – not only with fostering but also with transporting them to Vicki’s kennel – if need be, providing she has space for them.


There are currently 4 in rescue and 5 or 6 are expected shortly.  Mary Day said that she is able to place rescue dogs but we would have to get them to her.

Trophies:  Chair: Marilyn Midkiff

No report

Ways and Means:  Chair:  Barbara Fisher, members Teresa Fishback, Nancy Oehlhof, JoAnn Ruehl

Barbara Fisher had tee shirts for sale with Swarovski crystals as well as a few 2004 signed ornaments.

Web page:  Chair:  Nancy Oehlhof

Nancy reports that everything is fine with the website.  She is still looking into purchasing the Adobe Acrobat program at the most reasonable price.  She has been using trial versions but they are running out!  Please remember to send her any updated information for the member’s page.

Sunshine:   Chair:  JoAnn Ruehl

JoAnn sent a card to Adrienne for her recent surgery.

2005 Specialty – Chair:  JoAnn Ruehl, members Teresa Fishback, Lisa McKay, Judy Nolan, Barbara Fisher, Adrienne & Bob Saffell, Cheryl Heath, Nancy & Mike Oehlhof, Marilyn Midkiff, Gail Kubovchick, Jean Fordyce, Robin Stewart, Becky Dean, Kathy Shannon

No report

2006 Specialty:  Chair:  JoAnn Ruehl, Teresa Fishback assistant chair

All applications have been filed with the AKC on May 24, 2005.  All contracts have been signed.

Photographer Kathy Brandt will be the official photographer.  She puts your pictures on discs and you will be able to see what they look like before you order them.  Payment by credit card is to be made before the pictures will be made.  Kathy has done the Lakeshore Specialty and is doing the National so you will be able to see her work then.


Special features will be an obedience demo by Jean Fordyce and an agility demo by Chester Fordyce or vice versa.


A TDI testing will be done by former member, Peggy Crawford at a cost of $20.00.  The club will earn $10.00 for every dog tested.  If anyone is a certified CGC tester, please consider volunteering to do this for the club. 


JoAnn would like suggestions for a raffle or some other moneymaking scheme to help with costs other than the silent auction.  She reports that we will not have the amount of walk-by traffic which we had in ’05 that Neena did so well with, so we need something else.


Marilyn Midkiff will be collecting for trophy sponsorship in July.  We will not be having rosettes from an outside source as Onofrio is going to supply them thus the cost for trophies will be less.  They will be the same lovely ones as last year but different pieces.


We will have outside vendors.  Their cost for a table will be equivalent to at least a $25.00 item.


The 2006 show chair is JoAnn Ruehl.

Asst. show chair is Teresa Fishback.

Chief Ring Steward is Sandy Wolfskill.

Superintendent is Onofrio.

Host Hotel is the Holiday Inn Hurstborne

Announcer/emergency disaster coordinator is Teresa Fishback

Banquet Chairs are Bob and Adrienne Saffell

Grounds Maintenance will be Jean and Chester Fordyce

Concessions will be Sally Wynn

Judges Gifts will be Becky Dean

Placement Board will be Lucy Clem

Advertising & Catalog ads will be Lea Jacobs

Flowers will be Lisa McKay

Catalog sales will be Judy Nolan


Please let JoAnn know if you are willing to help with the following:


Ways & Means

PM Hospitality

AM Hospitality

Grooming Preparation

Silent Auction

Welcome Bags

Ring Preparedness (table, placement signs, gates or rope, mats)


New Business:  Regional Club Banners

Kathy Shannon volunteered to create our club banner to be displayed at the 2005 National Specialty.  The theme is “Corgi Spirit.”  The dimensions were given to Kathy.  The club must decide if we want to donate our banner to the Silent Auction.  It is not required.  A form must be filled out and returned to Nancy and Mike Oehlhof by August 31, 2005.

The next meeting will be tentatively held on July 16 at JoAnn Ruehl’s in Indiana.  This date is subject to change, so please watch the website for up to date information.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm.