OVPWCC – General Membership Meeting 11/12/2011



Meeting called to order 1:19 by President Gerald Kyle


Guest Marilyn


No corrections or additions to minutes from previous meeting. Motion to accept Kathy Shannon; John Thigpen second, minutes approved.


President’s Report:

·         Sept fun match was a success

·         2014 bid for National Specialty was accepted. Confirmation and obedience to be at Drawbridge Hotel. Herding and tracking in Lexington, agility at Queens City Dog Training Center. Bruce Coyne and Gerald Kyle are to be co-showchairs.  


Vice-Presidents Report:

·         No Vice-Presidents rpt.

Secretary’s Report:

·        Recd confirmation from AKC that date and judges for 2012 specialty approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

·         To Be Forwarded


Reports of Committees:


Specialty Report:

·         Rcd notice from O’nofrio that everything is approved.

·         Still working on the stmt of compliance and disaster route.

·         Adrianne and Sally working on Sweepstakes prizes.

·         Sally has acquired buckets which will have the logo on them for the hospitality bags.

·         Trophies are complete.

·         Pen and ink drawing that logo came from is to be framed.

·         Still need volunteers for judges gifts, ring decorations, grounds keepers, shirts.

Nomination Committee :

·         Pat Geisting has agreed to stay on as a board member.

·         Mary Parke will run to replace Kathy Shannon.

·         Nominations done by mail. Must send nomination in by Dec 12.


Judges Selection:

·         Ballots coming in for 2014 judges selection

·         Joan Hutton will be breed judge for 2013. Pat Sieffert will be sweeps for 2013.

·         Voting closes December 1, 2011.


Match Report Carra Cole – Need pictures for winter Talebearers


PWCCA Rep – Neena Van Camp Next meeting will be Tuesdays during the National. Need photos for the Talebearers for the winter issue.


Rescue – Kathy Shannon –

·         Rescue currently has 8 dogs all older. Need foster homes.

·         Getting in 3 more dogs under the age of 3.

·         Financially rescue doing well. Recd several significant donations. Balance around 8K.

·         Ohio Valley Rescue Committee recd award from DogBreederesInfo.org as an Outstanding Rescue Group

·         Asking members to foster one dog per year.


Breeder Referral – Judy Nolan

·         Still have requests for puppies coming in. Only knows of one young puppy that needs placement.


Legislative Report– Neena Van Camp

·         Updates members as information becomes available.


Newsletter Report –

·         Gerald and Nancy working to get information on website updated.

·         Newsletter will be published on Dec 1.

·         Send ads to Nancy Oehlof


Old Business


·         None


New Business


·         None


Meeting Adjourned Motion made by John Thigpen second by Kathy Shannon at 1:37