There was a break for lunch during the meeting.


President Lana Jorgensen called the meeting to order at 11:07 am. List of members attached to these minutes. Guests were Diana Echols (Dayton OH area) Mary Witherspoon (SC) Jean Atkinson (Ft Wayne IN area) Carol Novak (Lexington KY) and Deata Gregory and daughters (Lexington KY). Lana’s report to the board was sent to all on line members via email. Copy attached to these minutes.


Secretary’s report

Neena Van Camp read the following for Pam Hudson


Correspondence received –

1. The nominating committee offered the following slate for ‘06

President – Lana Jorgensen

Vice Pres – JoAnn Ruehl

Sec’y --      Pam Hudson

Treasurer - Bob Saffell

Board       -    Teresa Fishback

(Jean Fordyce and Robin Stewart have 1 year remaining on their board terms)

Those nominated have confirmed in writing their willingness to be candidates for 2006.

2. Letter from Central Ohio KC inviting OV to hold a specialty or supported entry 11/05.

3 Supported entry agreement from Dayton and Lima KC shows for 11/05. Lea Jacobs signed for Lana Jorgensen.


Correspondence sent

  1. Meeting minutes and treasurers reports from July 2005.
  2. Order from Americover plastic for use at our 2006 specialty. Rec’d plastic 8/17/05
  3. Letters to nominees, for signature, to confirm they will be candidates for office.
  4. Meeting notice and lunch information for the 9/3/05 meeting


Treasurer’s Report

Bob reported that between 7/6/05 and 9/1/05

OV income was $980: Expenses were $2197.45 leaving a balance of $17, 842.09.

Copies of the report details were passed out at the meeting & are included with minutes.


Committee Reports



Carra Cole reported that too many of the OV members are tied up with the 9/05 national so unable to schedule a herding program/event at this time.


Breeder Referral

Kathy Shannon indicated there is a lull in inquiries at the moment. She asked for updates on who has puppies and adults available. She can be reached at the email and phone numbers shown on the membership list.



Cara – no activity


Judges Selection

Lea wrote that she had no report.



Neena urged all members to go to the Congressional Record’s web site at US.GOV AND to read the proposed PAWS bill for themselves What is in writing now is not what will be voted on in each of the US legislative bodies, it will change. If passed by both houses is each of those versions will go to a conference committee. There is no way of knowing what could come out for the president’s signature. Go to web sites of those opposed and those supporting the bill for information to consider before writing your own letter to YOUR US senators and Congressman. Sites include those for Am Dog Owners, National Animal Interest Alliance, PETA, HSUS and AKC. Many AKC all breed clubs and national parent clubs as well as many other animal related groups oppose the bill.



Neena reported for Judy Nolan that there would be voting on the membership of
Karen Neligh. At Lana’s request the application and 3 supporting letters were read as the vote was taken during the committee’s report. Karen was voted into membership.



Before Nancy could begin her report there as a round of applause for the Summer 05 issue.  She indicated part of the delay was getting names for the puppies entered in the match. In today’s world Newsletter material needs have to come to her in computer files to be compatible with printer’s guidelines. Even then there are sometimes technical delays due to printing fonts (like this time). For this issue 75 copies were printed and all have been distributed. Nancy asked about having a few additional of this issue printed up. Lana felt they would be great PR to give away at the National. Neena suggested since it appears that 75 will no longer be enough increase the order by a few copies. The editor should make decision on an issue by issue basis  Members left it up to Nancy as to whether or not and how many to reprint. Printing both sides of the covers and the middle page spread does increase the cost. The spring 2004 issue cost $436 for 100 copies. This spring it cost $885 for 75 copies.  Nancy reminded members of theme and deadline for each issue.

Nancy found a new “Meet the Members” columnist in Lucy Clem. Lucy will start with Karen. If no new members, will go back to long time members and update their information in future issues. Also starting is a column on how members deal with their dogs. Each member will, in turn, write up their method, 1 per issue. Cara Cole will do the Fall/Winter article and has tapped Sally & Fred Wynn to do the spring article. Sally will tap the person doing it for the Summer 06 issue (and so on). Nancy is looking into getting a detailed history up to date article on club history. She has asked Gail Sheets, first OV president, to do it.



Sally Wynn reported once the PAWS bill is finalized for congressional voting PWCCA’s web site will link..

Sally has asked that club representative’s board liaison have the board reconsider the 4/05 motion to provide reps with  only limited info on what is to be discussed prior to each board meeting. Sally provided information from several professional parliamentarians indicating they found nothing in Robert’s Rules that encourages restricting the board discussion information prior to a meeting.



Neena reported -  6 dogs currently under OV foster care and 3 are with non members. More membership involvement is needed to help with fostering. There are 2 littermates in Lexington KY area needing a new home – they should be placed as a pair from what she has been told. They are still at the owner’s former home, but they should be in foster care before placing if at all possible. They do not need medical care but do need to learn how to live in a house.



Marilyn passed around the 06 specialty trophy list asking members to fill in the donation blanks. That info needs to be into the superintendent by October 2005.


Web Page

Nancy reported all is in order with the page. Let her know if any of your contact information changes so that the page is always up to date.


2006 Specialty

Teresa said she and JoAnn had a new concept for welcome bags- an insulated “lunch bag” in 2006.  She showed off several. Prices ranged from $2.25 to $4.00+ per bag inscribed with club logo or show art work. Will bring more details/samples to the November meeting. Sponsorships for the bags will be sought at November’s meeting. All costs not covered by sponsors will be paid for by Teresa, as it’s her idea. Adrienne showed off a “picnic” sized bag that Potomac has already done.

Show flyers – the show theme printed in color – will be distributed at the national and other specialties. Per Nancy to get it out in OVation and to other clubs for publication it needs to be on file disk.

Cara is already accepting donations for the silent auction.

2006 raffle will have only 3 items – a very large D-Flite aluminum grooming case,: a PWCCA corgi throw, no longer in production: a Royal Dalton PWC figurine with value. Kristie Sarafolean is in charge of sales.

OVPWCC will need more workers for the show since it will be independent.

Adrienne and Bob indicated that it could be a tremendous financial benefit to the club if the premium list contains a contact for advance raffle sales – allowing folks to purchase 25 tickets for $10 – in addition to selling them at the $1 each or 6 for $5 at the show.


Mid-Kentucky Kennel Club has released Pembrokes for 2007. Motion by Bob Saffell that OVPWCC make a $100 donation to Mid-Kentucky’s trophy fund in appreciation of their release of Pembrokes at their March shows. S/ Adrienne Saffell. Motion carried.


The theme artwork for the specialty show was approved without input from the membership. It even appeared it would be kept secret until the PWCCA national. Nancy felt it a personal put down to her work, since the first independent specialty features art from a non-member, when she has done so much art at no charge to the club. Motion by Neena Van Camp that artwork for any club specialty is approved by the board before final decision made on artwork. S/ Mike Oehlhof. Motion Carried.




2006 match site

Carra offered information on using the Kentucky Horse Park’s campground area for a match to be held 1 hour after the completion of Pembroke judging on the Saturday at this event’s cluster. She detailed advance discussions with AKC event plans, Lexington K C official, cluster official, RV chairman and Campground manager in which approval was given for OV to hold a match.  Depending on how it was set up there would not even be a separate rental fee.


Lana proposed that there be a late winter early/spring match at Loving Touch Pet Center in West Chester Ohio. She did not suggest a specific date. We could have the training floor, as well as the kitchen area, all day for a $100 rental fee.


Lana proposed Harbon Park in Fairfield OH not far off of U. S. 127. She did not suggest a specific date. There would be a $25 rental fee.


Neena proposed using Fort St Clair KC show site after their Saturday 4/29 show. FSCKC is located in Eaton (near Dayton) OH.

Motion Carra Cole S/ Marilyn Midkiff that the 2006 match be at KY Horse Park Campgrounds. Motion Carried. Chairman Connie Rinehart will report on progress at the November meeting.


Club BannerMotion by Bob Saffell S/ Neena Van Camp that the banner created by Kathy Shannon be retained by OVPWCC for our silent auction. Motion Carried.

Discussion on the wording for the presentation of the banner followed. Nancy Oehlhof will get more ideas out to members via email before the deadline for presentation.


New Business


Motion by Sally Wynn S/ Bob Saffell that OVPWCC donate $250 to AKC/CAR fund and designate it go for Hurricane Katrina animal victims. Bob then suggested that the club rescue funds be used for 50% of the donation. Neena reminded members that donations to our rescue fund came from folks who donated to Pembroke rescue.  Motion Carried.


$29 in Brags were made.


Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm


Respectfully submitted,




Neena Van Camp

Secretary pro-tem