

Bob Saffell



Adrienne Saffell



Brenda Stiles



Neena Van Camp



John Thigpen



Elizabeth Berman



Gerald Kyle



Nancy Oehlhof



Kristie Sarafolean



Amanda Sarafolean



Teresa Fishback



Joann Giesting



Pat Giesting



Jean Fordyce



Chester Fordyce



Lucy Clem



Sally Wynn



Fred Wynn



Judith Nolan



Kim Smith



Connie Rinehart



Marilyn Midkiff



Kathy Shannon



Cheryl Heath



Edward Heath



Judy Trenn



Meeting was called to order at 3:35 PM by Vice President Kathy Shannon, in the absence of the President. Unfortunately Lana took the committee report copies with her. 18 members and 7 guests attended the meeting: the roll is attached to the minutes.

All of the guests were introduced.


Minutes of the July meeting had previously been sent to the members. The secretary noted the correction that Kathy Shannon should have been listed as member not a guest. With that correction motion by Bob Saffell, second by Fred Wynn that the minutes be approved. Motion carried.


PRESIDENT’S REPORT Previously emailed to all members.


In another week we will be gathering for our September meeting and puppy match.  Connie has worked hard to put together a wonderful day for us and I know Neena has once more scheduled a very special rescue parade.  I hope as many of you will attend as possible to enjoy the activities.  Bob will once again be cooking up dogs, marinated in his “special” secret….ahhhhhhhh…..brew. <G>


All systems appear to going along smoothly for our second independent specialty.  Theresa reports that everyone has been pitching in to cover all the bases.  It seems like just yesterday that we had out first, even though it was 5 months ago (and people are still talking about what a terrific show it was).


Sue Klaar and Becky Dean have come up with some good ideas about herding & agility presentations and the club voted to pursue holding a rally match and rally with the aid of an Ohio agility club.


Adrienne and her committee will again be discussing the proposed changes to the by-laws at this meeting.  We will again discuss the changes in November with a vote at the January meeting on the proposals.


Adrienne also reports that she will be presenting the slate for the election and again, nominations will also be taken from the floor at the November meeting.


At the last meeting I shared materials for a possible show site for the PWCCA’s 2009 national.  It looks VERY promising, and I am now putting together a proposal to submit to the PWCCA board.  These are such exciting times for Ohio Valley.  We continue to grow and be strong.  I hope we all continue to strive in that direction.


Yours in Corgis,






Correspondence Received

  1. Request for information about joining OVPWCC from Lou Ann Lemaster.
  2. Copy of current Constitution and By-Laws sent by Lana Jorgensen.
  3. Proposed changes to Constitution and By-Laws emailed from Lana Jorgensen.
  4. Applications & fees for membership from J. Trenn and K Smith.

Correspondence Sent

  1. Minutes of the July meeting, with correction noted
  2. Request for membership applications from J Trenn and K Smith forwarded to Becky, membership chair.
  3. Messages from Robyn Finley, forwarded to Lea Jacobs, regarding Talebearers Column for next PWCCA Newsletter along with photos.
  4. Meeting Notices
  5. Membership applications & fees from J Trenn & K Smith sent for reading at September board and general meetings.



Bob Saffell reported that the balance on hand as of 8/28/06 is $17,888.08. The report is included with these minutes. He indicated that between 7/12 and 8/28 total income was $1745.05 and total expenses were $2285.76.



ACTIVITIES – see board minutes..



All awards had been sent. Members at the meeting indicated awards had reached them.



Teresa indicated she is getting a few inquiries. Please let her know if you have Pems available.



Gerald indicated he has now begun to understand how the committee was currently designed.. He and his committee members Lea Jacobs, Adrienne Saffell and Sally Wynn are now ready to move forward.

The committee will administer the judges’ selection process for the annual specialty & maintain and monitor the specialty judges and preferred judges list for supported entries.

Gerald has a simpler way for members to submit names for either list. To submit names for consideration by the committee email them to him and the committee – with the endorsement of 2 members attached to each email.

He has called a meeting of the committee September 30 at the Murfreesboro TN show.

Suggested judges will be reviewed for how large of a Pembroke entry they attract. Some fanciers who attended those shows will be asked for their opinion as how well placements were made.

There are no changes to the supported show judges list. Every attempt will be made to not have the same supported entry judge at 2 consecutive events, as happened in Lexington & Columbus this year.

He will get the updated lists onto the members’ only section of the web very soon. 

Neena offered the name of Donna Gilbert – PWCCA member and brand new breeder-judge. Several other members at the meeting concurred with the suggestion, which Gerald wrote down.

Judges in Louisville March 2007 are Specialty - Rut Parker, Friday Louisville KC– Nash Parker, Saturday Evansville KC Leah James and on Sunday Stephanie Hedgepath.

Please send names to be considered for addition to the lists. Contact Gerald with questions.



Neena gave members an up date on Louisville Metro Council’s 8th proposed version of the pet’s law. It includes breed specific bans, limits the number of dogs residents may have based on size of property; requires all kittens and puppies to be licensed at birth. There is very high fee to license each intact animal, as well as a breeders' license fee. Much of the law is unclear as to whether fanciers who participate in events must pay a $150 Class A kennel license and a $100 Class B kennel license. And the definition of “nuisance” is such that complaints can be made for “damaging a flower or a plant” or “any act of an animal or its owner which irritates or perturbs” another individual.

AKC encourages all individuals to let the Metro Council know their displeasure with the current proposal. It is vague and unenforceable. Fanciers are asked to let the Council know if they have attended the Louisville shows and just how much they money have spent.

Motion by Neena, second by Gerald that OVPWCC write a letter on club stationary letting the Council know that in 2006 the club itself spent up to $8000 in Louisville in 2006. Motion carried.  

Note:  This was already done by the secretary as it was requested to be done at the March meeting*

This law, if passed, probably would mean the end of the Kentuckianna cluster due to lack of another location for the March shows. 

Each and every fancier is encouraged to send a personal letter or email too. The names of Council members, phone numbers & addresses can be found at www.louisville-pets.com or doglaw@akc.org.



Bill Law was voted into membership. The applications of Judy Trenn and Kim Smith were read for the first time. They will be read again in November and voted on in January.



The quality of latest issue earned Nancy a strong round of applause. The deadline for the winter Puppy issue (will contain the puppy match critique and photos) is October 15.  It is difficult to get a handle on what the printer uses as a basis for charging to print each OVation. Nancy is considering having all subscription renewals occur at one time of the year to simplify billing.


PWCCA REPRESENTATIVE.     See Board minutes.



Neena thanked the owners of rescue dogs for participating in today’s parade and members & fanciers for their support of the rescue raffle. She asked for volunteers to foster Pems. Currently there are 5 Pems ready for placement. More are always coming in. The magnetic bumper stickers are still available for $3.00 each. Already there are some items for the rescue(s) table at the specialty silent auction. Teresa, Neena & Kathy to talk following the meeting about Teresa’s ideas.



Marilyn indicated that our trophy supplier is enforcing their rule that each purchase must equal at least $560. The board voted to buy 2 years of trophies at a time and to prorate the cost between 2007 and 2008. She passed around the specialty trophy sponsor sign up sheet. Contact her with which class or award you want to sponsor.




Judy indicated that sales have been going well recently. Expects more sales as items are posted on the OV web site. Sales today were very good. Items will be ordered for the 07 specialty theme based on prior sales results.


WEB SITE        Nancy indicated she keeps the site up to date as material is sent to her.



Teresa announced the theme is “Kiss me I’m Welsh”. She is donating the 2007 welcome bags with the logo (designed by Nancy) on them. The hotel raised the sleeping room rate to $89. Kristie will be the silent auction chairman. She was reminded that Carra has items at her home that she forgot to bring for the 06 Auction. Teresa said that most workers & tasks are assigned but more help is always welcome.



Jean indicated that Wild Weavers has put the idea of a joint match with OV on hold pending an open date for the event. They need to make sure there are enough workers to staff the event. OV members will have to help as Wild Weaver members are already about at their work quota limits.



Kathy indicated she has heard from Shelby Cook (Australian Shepherds) about their herding fun day October 21. Pems and Cardis are invited to attend the Aussie fun day. 4-5 members and guests who indicated to Kathy they were interested in attending the central Kentucky event.



NOMINATING COMMITTEEE – see board minutes.



Adrienne, Chair, members Sally Wynn and Gerald Kyle.

Adrienne indicated that as had been requested in view of recent emailing of the proposed constitutional changes that they will instead be mailed to all members by US postal service. .

She said that AKC says that as long as current by-law procedures are followed if changes are made the AKC only has to be advised of any changes to our current Constitution and By-Laws. They put them in the club file, but neither approve or disapprove them.

Neena asked why change the annual meeting to March – at the same time the specialty is held? It was  awkward at LPWCC even back when she was an officer in LPWCC. Further there may no longer be a chance to hold dog shows in Louisville. In 2006 OV barely a quorum at the specialty meeting.

Why change meetings from 6 to 4 a year? AKC made OV go from 5 to 6 when first established. Adrienne indicated that LPWCC is proposing to go to 4 a year. Brenda Stiles, meeting guest & match judge, stated that AKC refused to let Western Reserve make such a change, just this year.

Neena asked why weren’t term limits for at least some officers and board included in proposed changes?

Neena asked why change to mailed balloting for officers and board members? Bob responded with the annual meeting being in January there are often times even though the weather is good in meeting area that members in TN may be dealing with icy roads so something else. 

Discussion of the proposed changes to the Constitution will continue at the November meeting.



None offered.

The brag box was passed and $12 was collected. The members enjoyed the photos and advertisements used for show and tell.


Motion by Cheryl, second by Adrianne the meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.



Respectfully submitted

Neena L Van Camp Secretary Pro Tem