Regular meeting called to order at
Members Present: Guests Present:
Barbara Fisher Cheryl Heath Ed Heath Emma Weyrick Joann Ruehl Jody Hoch Judy Nolan Lana Jorgensen Marilyn Midkiff Nancy Oehlhof Robin Stewart Vicki Sandage |
Beverly Trusky Bill Law Carrie Cole Gerald Kyle Marie Joseph Next OVation deadline – February 15th. Get your ads and articles in to |
President, Lana Jorgensen, thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. Lana also thanked everyone in the club that had contributed to all the activities surrounding the National and other club events. The members at the meeting responded to Lana by thanking her for her contributions to the club.
President Report - -
Lana Jorgensen
Lana referred all to the current copy of Ovation for her
Secretary Report - -
Cheryl Heath
Minutes from the last meeting were read and a motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Vicki and seconded by Joann. Motion passed
Other items covered by Secretary, Cheryl Heath were:
Treasurers Report - -Bob
Bob reported that as of
Rescue had a balance (included in the above) of $6,920.99.
(See attached report)
At the January meeting a structure and movement discussion will be given by Kathy and Neena. All members are encouraged to bring their corgis (young and old) to be part of the discussion. Kathy will talk about the bodies with Neena discussing the head.
No report.
Breeder Referral
Now that Kathy is better from her accident, Jean and
Judy passed around a handout in the works for educating the public and also is working on having a business card printed to give out as well when members get questions from the public about the club and corgi breed.
Judges Selection
Kathy reporting for Neena. The
committee is working towards presenting 5 candidates for the 2006 specialty
judge, regular classes and 5 others for the sweepstakes. There was a motion from the floor by
Motion made by
No report.
1st reading for Carra Cole.
Voting on Becky Dean. Welcome to the club, Becky!
Motion made by
Marilyn to accept the modified membership application. Seconded by Lea. Discussion followed and the motion passed.
PWCCA Rep - -
There has been considerable discussion about how to handle the judging of Best Puppy at all Specialties for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The board decided to recommend to the membership that we suggest to the National Board the following.
“Once an animal has been defeated by another puppy - - that puppy can no longer compete in the competition.”
Much discussion followed on what to do about this issue for our specialty.
Ad Hoc Committee - - Constitution and By-Laws
A draft was submitted showing changes to the Constitution and By-laws with the changes to reflect our Constitution and By-laws to be more in line with the National’s Constitution and By-laws. A copy with these changes was given out to all club members for their review and suggestions.
Unfinished Business
2004 Show Committee
Given by Kathy for Neena. The show and judges have been approved by AKC. Plans for the post show dinner are progressing.
The membership decided at this meeting to have the theme, “Cosmos Corgis” and Nancy will be working up a drawing to use for the theme. Challenge to all to come up with the best Cosmos T-shirt.
New Business
As stated in the Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 (c) nominations for club officers can be made at this meeting for voting at the Annual Meeting in January.
Robin nominated Neena for President. Jody seconded. The slate to be voted on by secret ballot follows:
Lana Jorgensen
Neena Van Camp
A motion was made by Ed to adjourn the meeting at
Submitted by Cheryl Heath.